Forum meeting
After a very well-received talk in October, Dr David Thiele is back by popular demand to share his talk “Revelation, Eschatology and Adventist Futures” once more, this time in our namesake city, for those that weren’t able to join us for it last year in Cooranbong. We are delighted to kick-off 2025 with such a thought-provoking talk, and to be able to offer it at Castle Hill church. I have no doubt that our members from Sydney and beyond will enjoy the talk and ensuing question-and-answer time with Dr Thiele.
Adventists have always found their raison d’être in eschatology. We have traditionally regarded ourselves as “a people of prophecy” and have found ourselves mentioned and described in the book of Revelation. But today, Adventist eschatology is in something of a crisis as 1844 recedes further and further into the past, and various features of our traditional eschatological model seem less and less feasible. Can setting eschatology and Revelation firmly in their first-century context revive Adventist eschatology in the 21st century? If many are unsatisfied with earlier eschatological understandings, what can we say today about eschatology, and how can Revelation speak to our Australian present—and our future?
Join Dr David Thiele at on Saturday, February 15 at 3pm to consider these and other questions. Visit our Facebook page to share information about David’s talk with your friends.
Also coming up
Dr Paul Bogacs will be sharing a stimulating talk at 3pm on the 10th of May at Avondale University (Ella Hughes Chapel) on his PhD study on the place of struggle and doubt in the life of the Christian. Make sure to add it to your diary. We hope to see you there!