February811:00 am

Runaway: God says go, you say no

Today we officially welcome the Dawson family to Castle Hill, although we’ve seen them around for a few weeks now. Our new associate pastor, Jonny (Jonathan) has been serving as chaplain at the Kellyville campus of Hills Adventist College. He and his wife Daniela grew up in Sydney and met at the public school they attended. Jonny’s passions include soccer and graphic design, and Dani loves cooking, hosting and true crime documentaries. Their children are Layla (3) and Ollie (almost 1).

Pastor Jonny will present today’s message for us.

Church Service

WelcomeJoe & Priscilla Cignarella
Praise & WorshipGrace Greater Than All Our Sin
I Speak Jesus
Pastor’s spotPr Marcus Pereira
Children’s storyJim Dhiacou
Praise & WorshipThere Was Jesus
PrayerRoss Ecclestone
Message: “Runaway: God says go, you say no”Pr Jonny Dawson
Praise & WorshipJesus Messiah
BenedictionPr Jonny Dawson


Today3:30pPathfinder club meeting
Feb 121:00pLadies lunch
Feb 127:20pPrayer meeting
Feb 146:00pYouth social
Feb 147:00pMeet the new pastors’ wives
Feb 1512:30pChurch lunch: BYO picnic
Feb 152:00pAdventurer club meeting
Feb 153:00pForum meeting
Feb 187:30pChurch Board meeting
Feb 2012:00pREL outing
Feb 224:00pChurch social
Feb 257:30pElders meeting


Death of Ken Barrett

Our dear brother Ken Barrett fell asleep in Jesus on February 1, aged 98. His funeral service is expected to take place at Wahroonga Church on February 13. We’ll provide more details once they’re confirmed.

Register for Adventurers

One week left before Adventurers kicks off for the year. Register now.

Security matters

If you enter the church during the week and let yourself in, please make sure you check that the doors are shut and locked when you leave. Please take special care with the front door, which won’t close and lock by itself.

Church social at Clifton Gardens

Picnic at Clifton Gardens, from 4 o’clock on Feb 22.