I’m Back!
Today we welcome the Pereira family to Castle Hill. Our new senior pastor, Marcus, served here as Youth Pastor several years ago, along with Vanessa his wife. They have since been serving elsewhere in Sydney, most recently at Fox Valley church. Their boys are Judah and Noah.
Pastor Marcus will present today’s message for us.

Praise & Worship | King of Kings Because He Lives |
Welcome | Dr Oliver Despois |
Pastor’s spot | Kelvin Davis |
Offering | Local expenses |
Children’s story | Pr Johnny Dawson |
Praise & Worship | Gratitude/Great Are You Lord |
Prayer | Dante & Aramis Muj |
Message | Pr Marcus Pereira |
Praise & Worship | |
Benediction | Pr Marcus Pereira |
Service coordinator: Gabrielle Thomson
Elder on duty: Bryan Craig
- Church luncheon today, all welcome.
- Creative Activities begins on Wednesday this week, Feb 5.
- The Pathfinder club’s first event for the year is this Friday night, Feb 7. Get your annual club registration in now!
- The first Ladies Lunch for the year is coming up on Feb 12.
- The Adventurer club’s first meeting is on Feb 15. Register now to join the club.
- Sydney Adventist Forum will be meeting here on Feb 15 at 3pm. All welcome.
- The Church Board will meet on Feb 18 at 7:30pm.
- Picnic at Clifton Gardens from 4pm on Feb 22.
- Elders meeting at 7:30pm on Feb 25.