Welcome back to Castle Hill Adventist Church for 2025! Today’s service is organised by Gabrielle Thomson and features a children’s story by Scott Wegener. Our main speaker is Dr Bryan Craig, on the topic of joy, and whether yours is being stolen.

Today’s service is all about God’s character illustrated in the parable of the lost son. We’ve studied the topic in the Sabbath School lesson this week, and Kelvin Davis will share his thoughts with us during the service, which is co-ordinated by Leonora Pakoti.

You may wish to read the book of James before today’s service, particularly the first couple of chapters. Reflect upon what it means to be a true follower of Christ, to have faith that makes a difference. We welcome Marvin Malcolm to the pulpit to lead us in these reflections.

Today we welcome the Pereira family to Castle Hill. Our new senior pastor, Marcus, served here as Youth Pastor several years ago, along with Vanessa his wife. They have since been serving elsewhere in Sydney, most recently at Fox Valley church. Their boys are Judah and Noah.

Today we officially welcome the Dawson family to Castle Hill, although we’ve seen them around for a few weeks now. Our new associate pastor, Jonny (Jonathan) has been serving as chaplain at the Kellyville campus of Hills Adventist College. His wife is Daniela and they have two children, Layla and Ollie.

Our first club meeting for the year, from 3:30-8:30pm in the church hall. Bring a packed dinner and a water bottle (all labelled with your name) and wear your Pathfinder polo top.

Our monthly Ladies’ lunches are set to happen again in 2025, on the second Wednesday of each month at 1 o’clock. Our first lunch will be on February 12. We meet at the Victoria Avenue Café, which is in the North Side section of Home Co., just outside Harvey Norman. All ladies are welcome.

Please read Daniel 2:31-49 in preparation for this meeting. Hopefully we can see more about what Heaven is doing in this passage to see not just where we are today in the Biblical prophetic timeline, but also how God is still in control and will set up His everlasting Kingdom.

Come hungry and ready for a night of great food, fun, and fellowship! Please feel free to invite your friends along — the more the merrier! Let Pr Jonny or Daniela know if you can make it. Can’t wait to see you there!

Women’s Ministry get together for all age ladies this coming Friday night for “Meet the New Pastors’ Wives”. Fun and friendship, with a presentation by our very own Dani and a light supper-ette and drinks. From 7 o’clock in Stanford Hall. Text RSVP to Robynne 0439867839 or Sue 0410568804.

Dr David Thiele is back by popular demand to share his talk “Revelation, Eschatology and Adventist Futures” once more, for those that weren’t able to join us for it last year in Cooranbong. We are delighted to kick-off 2025 with such a thought-provoking talk, and thanks to Castle Hill church for hosting us.

Lunch at Wildpear Café, 658 Old Northern Road, Dural, commencing at 12 o’clock. Please advise one of the committee by 17th February if you are planning on attending as we need to give them approximate numbers prior to arrival.

Join us for our first church social of the year, a picnic at Clifton Gardens on Feb 22 at 4 o’clock. Bring your own picnic dinner, plus something to sit on, walk in, play with or swim in. It’s a great place for snorkelling, with plenty of fish to observe.

If you enter the church during the week and let yourself in, please make sure you check that the doors are shut and locked when you leave. Please take special care with the front door, which won’t close and lock by itself.

Our dear brother Ken Barrett fell asleep in Jesus on February 1, aged 98. His funeral service is expected to take place at Wahroonga Church on February 13. We’ll provide more details once they’re confirmed.

It’s time to get your registration in for Adventurers in 2025! If you are aged 4-9 and love learning and being active, sign up today and join us for a year of fun and friendship.

It’s time to get your registration in for Pathfinders in 2025! Head over to the Pathfinder website for all the details, including the calendar of events for the coming year. It’s going to be a big one, with the climax being a statewide Camporee being held in October. Don’t miss out!