About Us
We are so excited that you decided to visit us online today! We are a church committed to Jesus Christ, his cause, and his community. We invite you to join us as we worship God and study his word. We look forward to meeting you soon!
Our main weekly services are held on Saturday mornings, when we gather together in community to worship through music, prayer and Bible study. The seventh day of the week was set apart by God as a time for us to rest from our general busy-ness and worship him. We celebrate Sabbath from sunset Friday to sunset Saturday.
Our Sabbath services start with Sabbath School at 9:30am. For children, there are songs, stories, crafts and fun activities. For the adults there are smaller groups where the Bible is read and discussed, and where we share our spiritual insights and journeys.
Our main worship programme runs from 11am until noon. At Castle Hill we have a diverse community, and we love getting all parts of our community involved in our church services. Depending on the week, you might find the service being led by our children or by our youth, and we worship with a mixture of contemporary and traditional music.
Often after church we share a fellowship lunch, which provides a great chance for us to really get to know you if you’re new in town. We love visitors. Church really is for everyone and we’d love for you to join us!
Finding Us
Our address is 84 Cecil Avenue, Castle Hill NSW 2154, Australia.
You can find us online every Sabbath morning on YouTube, and be sure to check out our Facebook and Instagram too.
Pastoral Team
Pastor Marcus Pereira

Pastor Jonathan Dawson

Creative Activities

Mid-week activities and fellowship for adults. Wednesday mornings.

Activities for kids aged 4-9 years, learning more about Jesus through nature and crafts. Meets on Sabbath afternoons once a month.

Activities for kids aged 10-15 years, with a particular focus on outdoor experiences and skills. Meets on Sabbath afternoons once a month.
Retirees Enjoying Life (REL)

REL is a group for those who have time to get together mid-week and enjoy each other’s company while taking in some sights, sounds or gourmet food.
Coffee Cart

Enjoy a hot drink when you arrive at church from our coffee cart out the front. Donations welcome.
We are one of over 100,000 local congregations of the worldwide Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Our central website has some useful summaries of what the Bible says about your big-picture questions, and our core beliefs as a worldwide church.
Castle Hill Seventh-day Adventist Church is administered by the Greater Sydney Conference, which in turn is part of the Australian Union Conference, the South Pacific Division and the General Conference.