Join Adventurers

To register for Adventurers in 2025, please complete the following two steps.

  1. Complete the form below with all the details we need
  2. Pay the registration fee online using the church webstore

Okay, let’s begin!

Adventurer Registration

Adventurer Details

Complete this if you have previously been in a different Adventurer Club
Classes you have completed (if any)
Do you have a uniform?
Can we use photos of you to promote the club?

Parent/Guardian Details

I am happy to assist with

As parents/guardians, we understand that the Adventurer Club Program is an active one for the applicant. It includes many opportunities for service, adventure and fun.

In the event of accident or illness, I authorise the Adventurer Director to consent, where it is impractical or communicate with me, for me / my child to receive any x-ray examination, anaesthetic, medical, surgical or hospital treatment as may be deemed necessary by a licensed physician and/or surgeon. I agree to pay the appropriate fees for such and any ambulance or other emergency transportation costs which may be incurred.

If you would like to register another child, do that next.

Once you have completed the registrations for your family, visit the church webstore to pay the registration fee. Note that there is a discounted rate for second and subsequent children.

Now return to main Adventurer page where you will find the calendar for 2025.