Become Like Jesus
Church Service
Praise & Worship | Hosanna Come Thou Fount |
Welcome | Scott & Rachel Wegener |
Pastor’s spot | Pr Jonny Dawson |
Offering | Local expenses |
Children’s story | Sharon Duncan |
Praise & Worship | Clean |
Prayer | Robynne Beard |
Scripture Reading | Angelis Morris |
Message “Become Like Jesus” | Pr Marcus Pereira |
Praise & Worship | Firm Foundation |
Benediction | Pr Marcus Pereira |
Singers: Rohita Thangaraj, Ashleigh Mitchell, Rochelle Thomson, Daniela Dawson
Musicians: Indianna Wijeyesinghe, Ally Wegener, Tim Jakovac, Max Donald
Service coordinator: Gabrielle Thomson
Elder on duty: Vanessa Dhiacou
Today | 4:00p | Church social |
Today | 4:00p | Women’s Ministry regional |
Feb 25 | 7:30p | Elders meeting |
Feb 26 | 7:20p | Prayer meeting |
Feb 28 | 7:00p | Meet the new pastors’ wives |
Mar 1 | 12:30p | Church lunch |
Mar 1 | 3:30p | Pathfinder Club meeting |
Mar 2 | 9:00a | Pathfinder activity |
Mar 2 | 3:00p | Book Club meeting |
Mar 8 | 2:00p | Adventurer Club meeting |
Mar 12 | 1:00p | Ladies’ lunch |
Mar 14-16 | Digital Discipleship Conference | |
Mar 21 | Uni & Youth Worship Night | |
Apr 21-27 | Sydney Big Camp |

Church social at Clifton Gardens
Today is the day! Picnic dinner at Clifton Gardens, from 4 o’clock onwards. Bring your own picnic, plus something to sit on, walk in, play with or swim in.

Meet the New Pastors’ Wives
Women’s Ministry get together for all age ladies this coming Friday night, Feb 28, for “Meet the New Pastors’ Wives”. Fun and friendship, with a presentation by our very own Dani and a light supper-ette and drinks. From 7 o’clock in Stanford Hall. Text RSVP to Robynne 0439 867 839 or Sue 0410 568 804.
Book Club meeting
Out first Book Club meeting of the year will be on Sunday March 2 at 3 o’clock. Come to Letitia’s place at Kellyville for books and banter. Bring along whatever you’ve read to recommend or come to borrow and share in afternoon tea. Call Letitia 0414 662 004 or Sue 0410 568 804 for details.
Sydney Big Camp
Registration for Sydney Big Camp closes Feb 28.