Adventurer Club
Adventurers meet on the 1st and 3rd Sabbath of every month. Through a mixture of large and small group activities, Adventurers learn more about Jesus through nature and crafts, and develop new skills for which they earn awards (patches). Of course, we also love to sing!
Why should I enrol my child?
The Adventurer club provides fun and creative ways for children:
- to develop a Christ-like character
- to experience joy and satisfaction from doing things well
- to express their love for Jesus in a natural way
- to learn good sportsmanship and strengthen their ability to get along with others
- to discover their God-given abilities and learn how to use them to benefit themselves and others
- to discover God’s world
- to improve their understanding of what makes families strong.
Class groups
- Little Lamb (ages 3 ½ with parent through age 4)
- Early Bird (age 5 or Kindy)
- Busy Bee (age 6 or year 1)
- Sunbeam (age 7 or year 2)
- Builder (age 8 or year 3)
- Helping Hand (age 9 or year 4)

Registration fees
- $50 first child
- $25 second child
- $15 third child
- $10 fourth child
The Adventurer program is designed by the Seventh-day Adventist church to support parents in assisting children in the four to nine year age group with the challenging task of developing fully as followers of Christ in today’s world. The goals of the curriculum include:
- Children will, at their own level, commit their hearts and lives to Jesus Christ.
- Children will gain a positive attitude towards the benefits, joys, and responsibilities of living a Christian life.
- Children will acquire the habits, skills and knowledge needed to live for Jesus today.
- Parents and other primary care-givers will become more confident and effective in their role as collaborators with Christ for their children.
- Church will accept its responsibility in assisting to care for its youth by providing and implementing a planned curriculum of religious education for this age level.