Abide With Jesus
Church Service
Praise & Worship | Days of Elijah Cornerstone |
Welcome | Tim Jakovac |
Pastor’s spot | Pr Jonny Dawson |
Offering | Local expenses |
Children’s story | Cherie Ashby |
Praise & Worship | Gratitude |
Prayer | Jeanette Kemp |
Message: “Abide With Jesus” | Pr Marcus Pereira |
Praise & Worship | I Surrender All |
Benediction | Pr Marcus Pereira |
Service coordinator: Gabrielle Thomson
Elder on duty: Jeanette Kemp
Today | 12:30p | Church lunch: BYO picnic |
Today | 2:00p | Adventurer Club meeting |
Today | 3:00p | Forum meeting |
Feb 18 | 7:30p | Church Board meeting |
Feb 19 | 7:20p | Prayer meeting |
Feb 20 | 12:00p | REL outing |
Feb 22 | 4:00p | Church social |
Feb 22 | 4:00p | Women’s Ministry regional |
Feb 25 | 7:30p | Elders meeting |
Feb 28 | 7:00p | Meet the new pastors’ wives |
Mar 1 | 3:30p | Pathfinder Club meeting |
Mar 2 | 3:00p | Book Club meeting |
Apr 21-27 | Sydney Big Camp |
Church picnic today
Stay back after the service today and join the picnic on the school oval. BYO food.
Adventurers begins today
Learn more about Jesus through nature and crafts, develop new skills and earn awards. For kids aged from 4–9.
Forum meeting at 3 o’clock
Come to hear Dr David Thiele share a presentation on “Revelation, Eschatology and Adventist Futures”.
Church Board meeting on Tuesday at 7:30pm

Church social at Clifton Gardens
Picnic at Clifton Gardens, from 4 o’clock on Feb 22. Bring your own picnic dinner, plus something to sit on, walk in, play with or swim in.
Sydney Big Camp
Mark your calendars for April 21-27th, as we gather once again at the beautiful Adventist Alpine Village in Jindabyne. Our guest speakers this year are Randy Roberts and Adam Ramdin. Registration closes Feb 28.
Security matters
If you enter the church during the week and let yourself in, please make sure you check that the doors are shut and locked when you leave. Please take special care with the front door, which won’t close and lock by itself.